Best Tactical Self-Defence Umbrella

What Is A Tactical Umbrella? Review from Most people don’t consider an umbrella a viable option when considering self-defense and everyday carry. However, tactical umbrellas have emerged as versatile tools that can provide more than just protection from the rain. They...

What Makes a Good Tactical Umbrella?

A good tactical umbrella serves as both a rain shield and a self-defence tool. Here are some key features to consider: Sturdiness and Durability: Tactical umbrellas are designed to withstand force. Look for models made from strong materials like fibreglass or...

Umbrella Self Defence

Umbrella Self Defence From: Eskrima Master  This video contains practical techniques for the street defence with the use of a long umbrella. Eskrima Bankaw (Filipino long stick or spear) translation how to apply with different objects available. For more info visit...


How To DEFEND against a KNIFE ATTACK with an UMBRELLA  From: Nick Drossos Nick Drossos is distinguished as one of the most prized self-defense experts in the world and founder of Nick Drossos Defensive Tactics System, combining a plethora of meticulously designed...
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